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Steven Merrill

Python to Scala 2.7: Check Your Spelling

Last time out, I talked about the benefits of Scala, and why I'm looking at Scala and Lift.

In that spirit, I spent some time last weekend converting Peter Norvig's simple Python spell-checker to Scala. I didn't do this conversion alone; I got some great answers from Daniel Sobral, Daniel Spiewak and finally David Winslow on Stack Overflow. David provided the answer I needed for the best way to implement the matching function in Scala 2.7.

Here's Peter Norvig's 21 lines (not counting blank lines) of Python 2.5 code, for comparison.

import re, collectionsdef words(text): return re.findall('\[a-z]+', text.lower())def train(features): model = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 1) for f in features: model\[f] += 1 return modelNWORDS = train(words(file('big.txt').read()))alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'def edits1(word): s = \[(word\[:i], word\[i:]) for i in range(len(word) + 1)] deletes = \[a + b\[1:] for a, b in s if b] transposes = \[a + b\[1] + b\[0] + b\[2:] for a, b in s if len(b)>1] replaces = \[a + c + b\[1:] for a, b in s for c in alphabet if b] inserts = \[a + c + b for a, b in s for c in alphabet] return set(deletes + transposes + replaces + inserts)def known\_edits2(word): return set(e2 for e1 in edits1(word) for e2 in edits1(e1) if e2 in NWORDS)def known(words): return set(w for w in words if w in NWORDS)def correct(word): candidates = known(\[word]) or known(edits1(word)) or known\_edits2(word) or \[word] return max(candidates, key=NWORDS.get)

And now, the Scala 2.7 version that I came up with. It's 24 non-whitespace lines, although the average line is longer than the Python version.

import alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"def train(text:String) = { "\[a-z]+".r.findAllIn(text).foldLeft(Map\[String, Int]\() withDefaultValue 1) {(a, b) => a(b) = a(b) + 1}}val NWORDS = train(Source.fromFile("big.txt").getLines.mkString.toLowerCase)def known(words:Set\[String]) = {Set.empty ++ (for(w <- words if NWORDS contains w) yield w)}def edits1(word:String) = { Set.empty ++ // The next four are deletes, transposes, replaces and inserts, respectively. (for (i <- 0 until word.length) yield (word take i) + (word drop (i + 1))) ++ (for (i <- 0 until word.length - 1) yield (word take i) + word(i + 1) + word(i) + (word drop (i + 2))) ++ (for (i <- 0 until word.length; j <- alphabet) yield (word take i) + j + (word drop (i+1))) ++ (for (i <- 0 until word.length; j <- alphabet) yield (word take i) + j + (word drop i))}def known\_edits2(word:String) = {Set.empty ++ (for (e1 <- edits1(word); e2 <- edits1(e1) if NWORDS contains e2) yield e2)}def correct(word: String) = { val sets = List\[String => Set\[String]]\( x => known(Set(x)), x => known(edits1(x)), known\_edits2 )\_(word)) sets find { !\_.isEmpty } match { case Some(candidates) => candidates.reduceLeft { (res, n) => if (NWORDS(res) > NWORDS(n)) res else n } case None => word }}

Still, it's a pretty terse bit of code, and it works much like the Python version. Tune in a bit later for an explanation of some of the constructs at work here, and an even nicer Scala 2.8 version of the code.